Authors Emi Zegers

Mahler’s world within his symphonies

“To me, ‘symphony’ means constructing a world with all the technical means at one’s disposal.”

Auner, 21

Gustav Mahler was one of the most influential composers throughout the transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth century. Mahler composed works that were quite controversial, as he would use standard methods of music but applied in unorthodox ways. In Mahler’s Third Symphony, he uses basic elements to construct the vocal harmony, then introduces major and minor triads which would seem basic, but are ‘untethered from any tonal moorings’ (Auner, 18). Mahler uses conventional methods to create a false sense of security within the listener to then ambush them with elements that should, but aren’t familiar in that context.

Why did he feel the need to do this?

As a child, Mahler was considered different; he was perceived as not social and was also sensitive to noise. Gustav Mahler was an outcast in the world, who as a result created symphonies to construct his own world.

“Thrice homeless, as a native of Bohemia in Austria, as an Austrian amongst Germans, and as a Jew throughout the world. Always an intruder, never welcomed.”

Auner, 21

I found this incredibly interesting. I wonder if the inspiration to compose comes from the original desire of wanting to feel welcomed into the world? He created these chaotic symphonies full of diverse unfamiliar constructs, which I find is a direct portrayal of his life. Despite Mahler’s celebrity status as an artist, he was never welcomed by the social mainstream.

Mahler uses elemental tactics to fool the listener into thinking that they are safe within the realms of music, to then pull the rug out from under them with his lack of orthodoxy. This is a direct portrayal of Mahler’s relationship with the world around him. To this day, in a world full of uncertainties, Mahler’s music continues to be relevant and relatable, as it reflects a struggle to belong.

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